Clear out your clutter!

Bring along a sturdy table to use for displaying your items to everyone! (These can be hired when booking so everything is ready for when you arrive). Make your stall stand out. Put a table cloth or some brightly coloured material on your table. (Be sure it goes to the floor to hide your extra stock underneath your table!)
Fold everything NEATLY. Put things in age appropriate piles for example
t-shirts age 3-4 in one pile, trousers age 5-6 in another etc. People can't be bothered to search through everything and will carrying on walking.
It's not a jumble sale so don't leave people to rummage about!
Bring a CLOTHES RAIL (these can be hired when booking so it's all up and ready for you when you arrive!) or a CLOTHES AIRER/DRYER to display hanging items on. Make sure shoes are clean and presentable, not scuffed and worn out. All Clothing is freshly wash and ironed, folded or hung. Check all toys & games have all the pieces includes and books have no ripped or scribbly pages.
A smile speaks a thousand words! Try not to sit behind your table, looking bored to death, checking your social media on your phone with your head down. Stand up, smile and talk to people! Customers will carry on walking to another stall if you're not very welcoming.
Ask people if they are looking for a particular size. You know what items you have brought with you so not a lot of point if you only have baby clothes for under 1 year and they have a 5 year old.
Don't forget your CHANGE and FLOAT money. Buyers are told to bring CASH on the day. However, if you have more expensive items then perhaps they could bank transfer to you there and then. Check you have received the funds before releasing the item.
There are many apps out there that can allow you to take card payments from people so they may well be worth looking into and testing before you arrive.
Make sure to put LABELS on items. It really does help you secure a sale as people are often too shy to ask "how much" something is. Write down the brand, age and price for example, NEXT, Age 4-5, £4.
Be realistic about your pricing. Asking for too much may result in no sales. Keep it reasonable and you'll sell more. Stall holders who's prices are good will get the most sales. Often a good idea to reduce items later in the sale if you really don't want to be taking them home again!
Most markets offer a 6ft trestle table space, with space at one side for a small rail/airer. You also get approximately 1 metre of display space in front of your table.
Put toys in baskets/boxes/tubs in front of your table. Turn a box upside down and place toys on top. This raises things from the floor to enable your customers to reach them better. But don't over clutter things and make it too difficult for customer to reach your table full of goodies.
Buyers will NEGOTIATE, HAGGLE and BARTER so be prepared! Sometimes even a little bit of a discount makes them happy and gets you a sale. Or if they are buying several items from you, negotiate a bundle price. However, don't be shy if you want to stick to your original price. Just be polite and say "no thank you, I'd rather sell for that price".